Intentional, not Accidental

Many critical activities are often neglected and left to chance, where they might happen poorly or not at all. Instead, you want to be very intentional. For example, instead of adopting technology because its popular, actually try it in the context of a current project to evaluate its suitability. Experiment, deliberately. For important questions about features, architecture, process adoption, just try it. See what happens. Learn, tweak, and repeat.

In order to use experiments you have to know how to do them safely, how to avoid accidental waste in your process, and what tools to apply to what sorts of problems.

You have to learn, and re-learn, continuously.

The whole basis of modern software development and digital-oriented work is continuous learning, and that needs to be an explicit part of your daily working environment. Learning and problem solving needs to be Intentional, not Accidental.

GROWS Suck Curve

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