Who’s Who

- Andy Hunt: One of the 17 authors of the Agile Manifesto, author and co-author of a dozen books including the classic, The Pragmatic Programmer. Andy has been writing software professionally since 1982, and is currently Publisher in Chief at Pragmatic Bookshelf and co-founder of The GROWS Method®. Email andy at growsinstitute dot com

- Don Gray: Started developing control systems software in 1984, and has been coaching and working with experiential learning since 1995. He has consulted on projects as small as one team and as large as fifty teams. He currently delivers the well-known Coaching Beyond the Team and Problem Solving Leadership workshops. Email don at growsinstitute dot com

- Tony Brill: Former global head of agile practices for Deutsche Bank and executive leader of the largest agile shop in the world. Tony turns around underperforming organizations, and introduced GROWS to Europe at the Craft conference. He’s currently leading software development efforts for Pacific Western Bank. Email tony at growsinstitute dot com

- Jared Richardson: (1969-2016) was a co-founder of The GROWS Method®, a noted author, speaker, developer, coach and consultant. He was Director of Development at several companies, and author of two books, Ship It! and Career 2.0, and was the 2nd public signatory of the Agile Manifesto.
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